Named Colors.There are 16 standard named colors which are black, white, red, green, blue, cyan, magenta, yellow, silver, maroon, olive, navy, teal,purple, and lime. In EZ-NetTools® you can specify over 100 colors by name. Anywhere you can specify a color, just type in the name (or select it from the drop down list.) The image below is of the Color Picker feature where you can pick a named color.
Hexadecimal Colors. In this coding scheme, the colors are represented by six hexadecimal numbers, or base 16 numbers. The hexadecimal values are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.
The code of six numbers are broken into three groups of two digits each. The first two digits to represent the intensity of red, the next two for blue, and the last two for green. Red, blue, and green are represented by these codes, FF0000, 0000FF, and 00FF00 respectively. This coding scheme can designate 16 million colors. However, browser safe colors only use 216 of the total number of colors. Examples of web safe colors would be 660033, 003366, 3366FF, 33CC33, and 996633. You might be able to spot the pattern. That is, the web safe colors only use the numbers 0, 3, 6, 9, C, and F in pairs. Fortunately, you do not have to remember all those numbers. There are several aids to help you chose your colors.
Color Charts. The image below displays all 216 web safe colors. Click on a colored box and the hexadecimal color code will be shown below. Use these hex values in the Font/Color/Size tool or anywhere a color is requested. Note: Remember to begin your color code with "#".
Also, on the side bar is a link to another color chart. This chart will show you what the selected color will look like if it is used for large areas such as a background.
Color Wheels. Colors wheels display the same 216 colors but are organized in such a way that it is easier to see colors that go well together. For example, it will help you find two colors that will blend well. By using complementary colors from opposite sides of the wheel, you can see which colors have high contrast, something that is helpful if you want your text to stand out against your background. The graphic below shows a commercially prepared color wheel that we have found very helpful. They can be purchased directly from The Color Wheel Company. They also have some more in depth articles on color and color schemes.
Now that you understand a little bit about web colors, we will discuss how to chose a pleasing combination of colors to develop your new website.