Cob Blasting Restoration, Painted Log Restoration
"Cob blasting" is the process of blowing grit from finely ground corn cores (cobs) through a high volume, low pressure commercial grade blasting system to remove finishes from log surfaces. It is the best choice for painted log restoration. Why we Corn cob blast! Performance - Corn media is abrasive enough to remove even old, difficult finishes, yet gentle to the logs. Typically categorized as a "soft abrasive".
Environmentally Friendly - Cob blasting restoration is safe, when performed by an experienced log home restoration crew. The corn media is non-toxic and completely biodegradable. In fact the left overs are excellent garden mulch!
Corn Cob Blasting Restoration alone is not enough - Cob blast restoration does not kill mold or mildew and can even transfer additional mold/mildew spors onto the logs. To insure the logs are protected from these problems after we corn cob blast we do a final, light wash down of the logs prior to staining with wood cleaner, wood brightener and wood preserver. This ensures we not only remove the old finish but we are getting rid of the future rot potential as well.