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Bulleted Text
Bulleted Text allows users to manipulate and create lists of bulleted text. A variety of bullet types are provided as well as the option to use custom bullets, which can be uploaded by the user. The format of the bulleted list may be edited to include headings, text color and size settings. You can also create columns of bulleted text with no limit to the number of bullets used.

Basic Configurations
Select Bullet Type: Select the type of bullet you wish to appear before each line of text included in your list. Each bullet type appears as follows.
  • Disc Bullet
  • Circle Bullet
  • Square Bullet
  1. Numbered Bullets
  2. Bullet 2
  3. Bullet 3
  1. Alphabetical Bullets
  2. Bullet 2
  3. Bullet 3

Add/Edit Bulleted Text: Click on the "First Column" button to create or edit a standard column of Bullets. A new page will display where you may enter your bulleted text and a link for that bullet.

Bullet Text 1: Type in the text for your first bullet, if you are planning on having a heading for your bulleted text this first line will be that heading. To see more about creating headings see Advanced Configurations below.

Link: If the link text box is left empty, this line of bulleted text will just be text and will maintain whatever color you have specified (see Technical Notes for more info). You can use the 'Browse' button so you may select a page within your web site to link to. If you wish to link to locations outside of your web site, use the full URL (http://...)

Number of Rows To Add: Here you can add several rows at once to your list. The maximum number that can be added at one time is 99 rows. Type in the number of rows you would like in the text box and click on the "Add Rows" button. To Remove rows enter in numbers preceded with the - symbol, such as -5. Five rows will be erased starting from the bottom going up. The largest amount of rows that can be erased at once in 9.

Spell Check: Use this button to check the spelling for your bulleted text.

Continue: This will save your changes and go back to the Bulleted Text Main Menu.

Alignment of Block: Select how the block should be aligned on your page.

Advanced Configurations
Use image for bullet type: Any image can be used for your bullet instead of one of the bullet types selected in the Basic Configuration. If you already know the location of the graphic you want, type it in the text box to the right,(remembering to use the following file path - /home/... ). Click on EZ-Browse to find a graphic you have uploaded or to browse the stock bullets available in the following directory./stock/bullets

Image Size: Use these fields to specify or change the dimensions of your bullet (see Technical Notes for more info).
Width: Adjusts the width of your bullet.
Height: Adjusts the height of your bullet.

Change Text Details: Click on the "Font|Color|Size" button to use the Font tool to edit the size, color and font of your text.

Columns: Here Columns in your list can be added, removed and edited.

Adding Columns: To add a column use the "Add Before" and "Add After" buttons. This is similar to adding blocks in Pagebuilder. Select the column you wish to add after or add before to using the small circular radio button next to the column number. Then hit either add after or add before to place the new column.

Edit: Change the appearance of the columns in your bulleted text. Using this feature is the only way to edit any columns after column 1. A new page will appear with the same setup used to add your first column.

Delete: Select the block you wish to delete using the radio buttons and click on the "Delete" button.

Space Between Columns: Use this tool to control how much space is in-between each column. The measurements are in pixels and the maximum amount of space is 999 pixels. (NOTE: It takes about 72 pixels to make up an inch).
Use First Row As Header: Clicking on this check box will cause the first line in each column to be a header. This means the first line will appear without a bullet and all the lines below will be indented. When you select this option the first line of the list will also appear as the column name representing that column in the columns section.

Edit Header Options: Click on this button to change the standard format of the header line. A new page will open where you can modify the font and also add a special bullet type to the header line.

Header Bullet Type: Select the bullet type you wish to appear on the header. You can also select an image by typing the image file path in the text box or select the bullet you wish by clicking on the EZ-Browse button. Numbers and Alphabetical bullets, however, are not available for the Header Line.

Image Size: Use these fields to specify or change the dimensions of your bullet (see Technical Notes for more info).
Width: Adjusts the width of your bullet.
Height: Adjusts the height of your bullet.

Change Header Text Details: Change the font, color, and size of your text by clicking on the "Font|Color|Size" button.

Continue: This will save your changes and go back to the Bulleted Text Main Menu.

Background Color: Set a background color behind your bulleted text column(s). Click on the "EZ-Color Picker" button to open the Color Picker and select the color you would like. If you already know the hexadecimal color code for your color, type the code in the text box and remember to place a # symbol before the code. You can also type in the official web name for a color if you know it.
Add This Block to Sidebar: Click on this check box to add your bulleted list to the sidebar. If you have a list with several columns the columns will display below each other on the sidebar instead of side by side.

Add Blank Line After Block: Insert a blank line to create some white space between this block and the next.

Click the 'Submit' button to add your Bulleted Text block. If you wish to return to your page without making changes, click the 'Cancel' button.

Technical Notes
Graphic or Bullet Dimensions: You can use the Width and Height fields to change the dimensions of your bullet, but this will stretch or compress that bullet.

Text and Link Color: Without a link, your text will remain the color you have specified in Global Information or by using the "Font|Color|Size" window. However, if you have changed your font to another color using the Font window and have added a link for your bulleted text, the color for your links will not become the color specified in your Global Information. You link will remain the color that you have specified in the "Font|Color|Size" window, whether active, visited, or unvisited.

PageBuilder Blocks 
 Text -Simple 
 Bulleted Text 
 Horizontal Line 
 Graphic & Text 
 Graphic & Bulleted Text 
 Graphic - Text - Graphic 
 Button Bar 
 Button Builder 
 Information Request 
 Site Search 
 Shopping Cart 
 Credit Cards 
 Order Button 
 Maillist Edit 
 Directory Listing 
 ------EZ-Form Builder---- 
 Form Builder 
 Text Field 
 Text Area Field 
 List Box Field 
 Check Box Field 
 Radio Button Field 
 Hidden Field 
 Form Button Field 
 Sample Forms 
 *Form Field Names help 
 Display Information 
 Link from Affiliate to Target 
 Link from Target to Affiliate 
 Affiliate Login 
 Address Search 
 Layout Manager 
 Text - Advanced