EZ-CheckOut API
Sample 2 - Form With Multiple Options
This form is a little more complex that the previous form. This form provides for the shopper to select from a number of options. This form still only provides for one item and one quantity. If you wanted to add a quantity selection, you would need to add some javascript to the to form to multiply the quantity times the price. For simplicity, the javascript was not included.

Note: This form is for demonstration purposes only. The functionality could be done within the EZ-Catalog tool.
Note: If you click the "Submit" button, this form will actually use the Checkout API and process a real order. We do this so that you can see exactly what will happen. However, we will not process any payment information.
Two Line Name Plate

This name plate comes in a variety of colored plastic backgrounds and metal slides. You can specify two lines of text. The metal slides come with predrilled holes for screwing the plate to a surface. The back of the plate also come with an adhesive strip that can also be used to attach the plate.

Only $19.95


Plate Color:

Metal Slide Type:

First Line of Text:

Second Line of Text:

The HTML code for this form is shown below.

Sample 3 - Example of Multiple product Form