Setting Up a Simple Catalog
Setting up a simple on-line catalog in EZ-NettoolsŪ is not very hard. For those accounts types configured for E-Commerce, all of pieces of the E-Commerce puzzle are fully integrated into EZ-NetToolsŪ. A simple catalog of a few items can be set up in less than an hour. This course will walk you through the steps. If you have many items, this course will be a good place to start, but you will want to take the more advanced courses as well.
There are three steps necessary to prepare your website to take orders on-line. First, you need to enter you products into the on-line catalog called EZ-Catalog. Second, you will need to establish your shipping charges. Third, you need to establish the payment methods you will allow your customers to use.
Enter Products Into EZ-Catalog
EZ-Catalog is part of the Construction Tools. Within EZ-Catalog you will be adding two elements. First, you will add Categories which are the way you group your products. Second, you will add the products themselves. Even if you think you will only have one category of products, for this exercise, you should create at least one category.
Start from the Construction Tool tab. Click on the EZ-Catalog link.
Click on the "Maintain Categories" link.
Click on the "Add Category" Button.
Enter the name of the category you want to create. Remember that categories are groups of products. You will need do determine what are the best groups for your situation. You may also want to have a group for new items or On Sale items. A product can belong to more than one category. When you are done click the "Save" button.
You may want to enter more than one category at this time. When you have completed adding all the categories you want click the return button.