EZ-PageBuilder - Quick Start Guide
4. Adding Buttons using the Button Builder.
The next step in our sample page is to add a Button Block below the Horizontal Line.
Click on the green plus sign, in the Horizontal Line block to add another block directly after it.
Select "Button Builder" from the Type drop down box and make sure the block will be added "After" the Horizontal Line Block.
Click "Next Step" and the "Button Builder" window will open.
Click on the "EZ-Button Picker" button. Click on the button style labeled "01.png."
Click on the "EZ-ColorPicker" button and choose Alice Blue as the text for the buttons. On the drop down menu of "EZ-ColorPicker", choose the "Name Colors" option. Alice Blue is the first color sample you will see. Click on the link to select it.
Type in the following words for the Button Text
- "Home" for Button Text 1
- "About Us" for Button Text 2
- "Products" for Button Text 3
- "Contact Us" for Button Text 4
To create the links associated with each button, click on the Browse button next to the Link Text block box.
For Button 1, simply click on "index.html" from the middle section of EZ-Browse. "Index.html" will now show up in the text box in the bottom section. Finally, click "Open." The address link will be copied into the Link box for Button 1. Remember, the "index.html" page is commonly referred to as your "Home" page.
For the remaining button links, we will create some temporary pages. Click on the respective EZ-Browse buttons, and then click on the "New Page" icon, in the upper section of EZ-Browse.
Enter "aboutus" (without spaces) in the File Name Field. Click the Submit Button. This creates a new "under construction" page. The new file will appear in the list of files. Click on the new file. Then Click on the "Open" button. You will then be returned to the Button Builder window.
Repeat the previous steps, creating "under construction" pages for "products" and "contactus" as the respective file names. The bottom part of the "Button Builder" window should look like the graphic below.
Click the "Submit" Button located at the bottom of the "Button Builder" window. Your buttons will now appear on your web page.
You now have three blocks on your web page. You should begin to see that web pages are simply made up of smaller building blocks.