EZ-PageBuilder - Quick Start Guide
2. Adding the First Block - A Title.
In this section you will learn how to add a title block to your page. You will also learn how to select the font, color, and size of your text. You will also learn how to edit and manipulate existing blocks.
The first time you enter a new page, the "Add New Block" window automatically appears.
In the "Add New Block" window, you will find a drop down menu with a number of options. These are the different types of blocks you can use in EZ-PageBuilder. To add a headline to your page simply choose the Title block and click the "Next Step" button.
The Title block window will open and you will find the options for the Title block. The "Text" field is where you will type the headline you want to be displayed on the page. For now, type in "My First EZ-NetTools® Web page."
Click on the Font/Color/Size button.
In this window (See image below), you can choose the font, the size, and the color you want to make your headline. You can use the color wheel to pick a color, or use the drop down menu at the bottom left corner. Leave this blank so we can use the default color, black.
Choose "6" for the font size and "Times New Roman" for the font.
Click on the check box next to the Bold option.
Click on the "OK" button to finish applying your settings. You will automatically return to the Title block options.
Back on the Title block, select the Center Alignment radio button.
Click on the check box next to "Insert Blank Line." This option places a blank line between this block and the block that will follow.
Click the "Submit" button to add your new title to the page.
The headline is now near the top of the page. Your contact information is also displayed on the bottom of the page. If you had previously selected a header graphic or text, that will also appear at the top of the page. This information was automatically added through the Global Information feature. It also may have been created is you started with a model site. All of this information can be modified and is discussed in some other basic, on-line courses.
In the top left corner of the new Title block, you will find a small red number. This number identifies the position of this block on the page. You will also see a menu bar with several icons. This menu bar can be used to add, edit, delete, move, and copy blocks on the page. When you mouse hovers over one of the icons a description of the icon will be displayed.