Finding Files, Linking to Pages, and Adding Graphics Using EZ-Browse
Throughout the tools provided for you by EZ-NetTools, one tool is used universally. That tool is EZ-Browse. Much like the Open/Save File dialog used in windows and other operating systems, EZ-Browse helps you select, open, and save files. EZ-Browse is used by EZ-PageBuilder, EZ-Catalog, View Counters, Global Information, Global Links, EZ-Import, EZ-Catalog Configuration, EZ-Directory, EZ-MailList, EZ-BulletinBoard, EZ-PhotoAlbum, EZ-TextEditor, Search Engine Submissions, EZ-LinkTrader, and others.
You should be able to see that learning how to use EZ-Browse is an essential part of learning to update and maintain your website hosted by EZ-NetTools. This tutorial will help you learn everything you need to know about EZ-Browse.
Because EZ-Browse deals with folder structure and file management, you should try to learn how to use EZ-FileManager before beginning this tutorial. This will give you a basic idea of how files are stored on your EZ-NetTools account.