Jessie Marbry
Title: Reseller Support Supervisor
Time With Company: December 2001 - June 2003
Background: Jessie Marbry comes to us to fill a newly developed poisition as Reseller Support Supervisor. Jessie's sole position is to help our Resellers be successful with their EZ-NetTools™ Reseller business and to oversee all of ICServ's efforts to this end.

Jessie comes to ICServ with many years of business experience. She has 25 years experience as an Office Manager and 3 years as a Licensed Realtor. Not only did Jessie manage her own Real Estate business, she currently has a home-based business that she is working on. Having that experience in common with our Resellers will be very beneficial. Jessie is an Organizational Specialist and enjoys detailed projects. We encourage you to call her when ever you need help and/or motivation. If she cannot answer your question "on the spot," Jessie is the type of person that will research your question and call you back with an answer. She is great on follow-up.