  1. Introduction
  2. Create page to be Mirrored
  3. Pages with Mirror Blocks
  4. Cautions
  5. Quiz
  6. Evaluation
Example pages 
  1. View Page used as source for course title & navigation for this course
  2. View UVAG page that has header mirroredd on home page
  3. View UVAG page that is source of header
  4. View modifed UVAG source page
  5. View impact on UVAG page of mdification
Return Links 
  1. Home Page
  2. Page Building Courses
Using Mirror Blocks

Instructions The first two blocks are mirrored on the course pages. The first block becomes the title and the second block becomes the side bar navigation to the sections of the course. When these pages are copied into the new course you will need to direct the mirror blocks to the new mirror block page.