Layout Manager

Making your web site visually appealing could be one of the biggest challenges you face when you develop your web site. If your web site is well-made, your visitors will be much more likely to stay longer, return later, and make purchases.

In order to create a good web site, you need to learn how to organize the content on your pages. The purpose of this tutorial is to teach you how to use the EZ-PageBuilder layout manager block, the key to effective web design.

Layout Manager is a type of block in EZ-PageBuilder, just like the title block, text-simple block, table block, and all the other blocks you've used in EZ-PageBuilder. Layout manager blocks are unique, however because they don't add any content to the page; they simply help you organize that content more effectively. Without layout manager blocks, all the content on your page is displayed one on top of another. This results in a web site that is simplistic and dated.  (However, we do have some customers who are very successful with such simple web sites.)  Layout manager blocks allow you to use the space on the screen efficiently and artistically.
If you don't feel confident with your ability to use EZ-PageBuilder, please take the EZ-PageBuilder Quick Start Guide before continuing.
Section 2 - Basic Setup
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